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Bio Corredor, The Armadillo – Blog N2 (10 Oct 2019)

Our companies & brands goals towards producing neutral carbon footprint products:

  • In three years, we will have 83 hectares of riparian land, 52km in length, reforested with an increase of 20,000 trees in the vegetation layer.
  • We hope to capture/draw down 71.971 Tons of CO2 every year, emit 28.000 Tons of oxygen and substantially improve the water basins in the Biocorridor hydric system.
  • Design and launch an environmental education programs with schools in the province and training programs for farmers related to the effects on crops caused by climate change.
  • We also plan to establish a “Think Tank” for environmental public policy initiatives around the bio-corridors, greenhouse gas emission and global warming mater´s.
  • In the Biocorridor we hope to monitor and protect those animal species that are endangered or lost to the region and those that will be able to travel over a larger area of habitat: white-fronted cappuccino, white-fronted peccary, opossum, sloth, anteater, mico, hedgehog.
  • In relation to the reforestation project we have selected varieties of tree such as: Rainforest black berries, mountain grape, pambil, rubber, guava.

Finally, through our brands, we seek to create recognition and attention for the project, especially in relation to the care the wildlife in the Bio corridor requires and the benefits it will reap.


Important Timeline Facts since the first steps in 2018:

In February, 2019, we signed an agreement with the decentralized Autonomous Government of Santo Domingo de los Tsachilas for the provision of trees from forest nurseries, two graduate thesis’ (one on the design of Bio corridors and another on the measuring of the companies carbon footprint), and finally assistance from TEB in the educational programs of the GAD environmental department.

In the middle of 2019, an agreement was signed with CORPEI and the EU under the EXPORDES cooperation program and a co-financing figure for the development of the project, including the construction of an educational Centre and monitoring system for The Armadillo Bio corridor.

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